Standpipe Piezometers
Standpipe (or Casagrande) piezometers are used to measure pore-water pressure and water level in permeable soils. They are used in many geotechnical applications.
Geosystems can offer multiple variations of standpipe piezometers. The systems utilise crush resistant filter elements attached to a riser pipe (usually PVC). Water will enter the riser until the water pressure inside the filter equals the water pressure in the soil. Using a water level indicator it is possible to measure the depth of the water.
Digital Piezometers
d-Piezo digital piezometer from YieldPoint integrates a MEMS transducer with a micro-controller to provide a robust digital solution for water pressure and depth monitoring.
The digital output string is transmitted as an RS485 signal, with 9600 baud rate (9600,9,n,1), and is ASCII encoded.
The d-Piezo’s RS485 signals tolerate wet conditions and can be transmitted up to 1000m without amplification.
Vibrating wire piezometer
Geosystems PW series of vibrating wire piezometers are specifically designed to measure the pressure of pore-water and other fluids.
PW series piezometer provides excellent long-term reliability with the latest vibrating wire technology. The PW series consists of 5 different models of Piezometer. Each suited to different applications.
PWS Piezometer
Can be embedded in earth fills, at concrete/earth interfaces or inserted into boreholes and small diameter pipes.
PWF Piezometer
Similar to the PWS but upgraded with a thicker wall. Suited for direct burialĀ applications.
PWC Piezometer
Comes with a pipe thread adapter, enabling the vibrating wire piezometer to be used as a pressure transducer.
PWP Piezometer
Designed to be driven into unconsolidated fine grain materials such as sand, silt or clay. The thick-walled external housing cylinder s fitted with a conical shoe at one end and an EW drill rod or standpipe thread adapter at the cable entry end.
PWL Piezometer
Low-pressure piezometer (35,70 kPa).
Porewater pressure – Mini Packers
The MOD-2A system measures the pore water pressure at rock/concrete interfaces in tunnels, underground openings, and basements. Ideally suited for short term monitoring in the construction or rehabilitation of underground structures.
The MOD-2A pore water meter can be easily installed with hand tools. Upon completion of monitoring
Multi-level piezometers
Geosystems multi-level piezometer is made up of several piezometers connected to a single communication cable.
The operators can achieve precise depth control for specific site requirements by defining sensor spacing along the readout cable.
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